“The Secret Microwave” by Dan Grossman
Unsplash image: Erik Mclean @introspectivedsgn
The Secret Microwave
I pop my sliders into the secret microwave
in the basement of the university library
and wait two minutes. I pull out a filet mignon.
The microwave is what the university projects
itself to be: a miracle of transformation.
A decade ago, the institution transformed
itself from merely a college into a university.
It was a miracle of rebranding.
At the same time, the provost was shrinking
and consolidating the political science,
philosophy, and language departments
as a new business school was being built.
The secret microwave saw what was going on.
It felt inspired to re-engineer matter
at the molecular level. Who can say when
it started thinking on its own? I, for one,
think it started during the dean’s series
of speeches on transformational leadership.
— Dan Grossman